Friday, June 29, 2012

My birthday blog

As I think about another year of life, I have this unquenchable desire to brag on God and once again proclaim how amazing He is.  Some of you are already saying, "Come on, Kevin.  This is your day.  Aren't you going to boast in yourself a little bit; at least for today?"  No, definitely not.  It's not about me; it's about God.  If there is anything good and praiseworthy in my life I give God the glory and praise for it all.

In preparation for this blog installment today, I did some Internet research on William Carey, the father of modern missions.  He evidently said this on his deathbed: "speak less of Dr. Carey, speak more of Dr. Carey's Savior."  On my birthday, I echo the same thought for myself.


"He must increase, I must decrease" - John the Baptist in John 3:30 (NKJV)