Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Anyone can be a hero"

Like so many others in Colorado – and across the nation – I continue to grieve and heal emotionally from the senseless violence and the despicable evil that was carried out on July 20th in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.  I’ve been praying for the families of the victims.  I pray that they feel a supernatural comfort from God.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to see “The Dark Knight Rises” and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Batman said a statement in that movie that was really apropos given the circumstances; he said, “Anyone can be a hero.”  I agree.  I believe that remark with every fiber of my being.  To hear the stories of heroism that occurred in the midst of the carnage and evil confirms Batman’s words.

For instance, did you know that of the twelve who died in that theater on Friday the 20th, four of them were boyfriends who shielded their girlfriends from harm?  Consider, for just one example, Alexander Teves, a 24-year-old who went to the movie with Amanda Lindgren.  When the chaos started, Alexander instinctively leaped on top of Amanda, and told her to stay down.  Alexander didn’t survive.  He died a hero’s death as he sacrificed himself to protect Amanda.  By the way, I’m simply relaying the information from a news article that I’ve included in a link and I encourage you to read it.  Batman is absolutely right: anyone can be a hero.  

