Monday, May 27, 2013

Genuine heroes

I use the word hero very, very carefully.  It is a special word to me.  For instance, someone at work called me a “superhero” the other day, and I found it tremendously encouraging.  My point is I don’t just throw the word out thoughtlessly.  If I use the designation of hero, I am paying the person a very high compliment. 

For instance, last Father’s Day I got my father a t-shirt with a caption that read, “Dad, not all heroes wear capes.”  I proceeded to tell him what I’m telling you now, that I don’t just use the word hero for anyone and everyone.  They must be worthy of the title. 

Therefore, based on everything I’ve just written, let me just say that obviously today is Memorial Day, 2013.  And the brave individuals who gave their lives in service of their country are genuine heroes, in every sense of the word!  I’m humbled and grateful to contemplate the incredible men and women who gave their lives in defense of the freedoms that I enjoy as an American citizen.

It’s great to spend time hanging out with family and friends on this holiday, but don’t let the day go by without thinking about the brave, heroic individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States of America.
