Wednesday, November 24, 2021

My greatest gift this Thanksgiving

I wish I could relay some riveting story to explain my absence of blogs.  But the fact is there is no story to tell; just life, in all of its multi-faceted glory, has pushed writing to the back burner of late.  I’m not necessarily happy about this, but it is what it is.  However, all of this notwithstanding, I can’t miss the opportunity to articulate my greatest blessing with you. While I have a myriad of items for which I am thankful, number one on my list is my friendship and fellowship with Jesus Christ.

Many years ago, I wrote a composition for college reflecting on God’s faithfulness to me.  I didn’t take the time to find it in my records to refresh my memory on all the details.  But I know in that work, I thanked the Lord for His mercy to me.  I spoke of how He graciously forgave me of all my sin – I even recall that I described my sin as ‘repugnant’.  My description was true then and it’s certainly true as I write these words today.

To be transparent, I know what it’s like to fall into the mire of sin, even after walking with the Lord for many years.  I also know what it’s like to turn to the Lord in heartfelt repentance.  I know what it's like to ask – for perhaps the millionth time – for His cleansing and forgiveness.  He graciously picks me up, cleans me up, and assures me of His love for me and His forgiveness toward me.  I love the opening verses of Psalm 32: “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.  Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute [or charge to one’s account] iniquity.”

There’s an old hymn that goes this way: “What can wash away my sins?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.  What can make me whole again?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”  I’m so thankful that Jesus, the God of the universe in human flesh, shed His blood on a cross.  He did this to pay the penalty for my sin, and the sin of the whole world.   Jesus is the divine rescue plan from the horrors of sin. Through simple faith and trust in Him, we can have salvation, forgiveness, and everlasting life. 

In conclusion, I don’t like to think about who I would be if God had not revolutionized my life.  I can envision the absolute train wreck my life would be.  But because of God, I have hope.  According to my research it was way back in the 1940’s when Seth and Bessie Sykes wrote a song that I constantly sing to the Lord.  The chorus goes like this: “Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul.  Thank You, Lord, for making me whole.  Thank You, Lord, for giving to me, Thy great salvation so rich and free.” 
