Sunday, January 30, 2022

Four blogs in one!

Is it possible that it is almost the end of January already?  Wow, they say “time flies when you are having fun”; I suggest times just flies, fun or not!  There are several things that I want to convey, so I’ve decided to change the format up a little bit for today.  I’m going to present several subjects, but condense them and put them all into this one blog today.  So here we go. 

#1: In the middle of the fire

I have to hit and run on this one, but it really deserves a full blog.  For now, let me just share that a month ago, a devastating fire broke out in my home state of Colorado.  It destroyed multiple homes and businesses.  I’ve seen firsthand how it turned the lives of so many upside-down.  For so many, cherished memories went up in smoke.  While – thankfully – there was no damage to my house or workplace, it was close enough to my world that this event left me with a haunting memory that I won’t forget.

#2: The end of the Daniel Craig Bond era

I was finally able to see Daniel Craig’s final James Bond movie “No Time to Die” a few weeks ago, even though the film was released back in November of 2021.  Someone said that the James Bond actor you grew up watching is typically your favorite version of the character; for me that actor was Pierce Brosnan.  So I was saddened when I saw Pierce Brosnan pass the baton to Daniel Craig.  But I’m not blind to how well Craig did as James Bond.  This last film is riveting, emotional, and an epic conclusion to the Craig led Bond films.  Much more I could say about all this, but I need to condense these thoughts today.

#3: The hits keep on coming

Since I last posted, more shocking deaths have occurred.  For instance, a leader at my church was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer; less than a week later, he passed away.  Secondly, someone I used to work with developed cancer in the blood, and she too passed on.  And third, Bob Saget also passed away unexpectedly.  He was just 65.  I know Saget had many roles, but I will always remember him as Danny Tanner from “Full House”.  He even reprised the role periodically on the show “Fuller House”.  All of these instances are reminders to cherish life because every day is a gift.

#4: Me without You

My final thoughts for today differs from what I was originally going to write.  What was going to be the fourth subject is going to be put on the back burner.  I’ve decided to present that in the next blog instead.  Today, I just want to end on a note of expression of my thanks and gratitude to God.

Many years ago now (back in 1996), Rebecca St. James recorded a song called “Me without You”.  She spends the whole song using illustrations of what her life would be like with God in it.  For instance, in one stanza she sings, “Like a war without an enemy, that’s me without You.  A disease without a remedy, that’s me without You.  Like a crime without a victim, like a sleuth without a clue…that’s me without You.”  I resonate.  Without God, my life would be a train wreck.  If anything good comes from my life and example, I assure you it’s not because of me, it’s all because of Him.  Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15:10, put it this way: “By the grace of God I am what I am.”
