Monday, February 28, 2022

Four more blogs in one

When I composed the last blog and compressed four blog topics into one, I didn’t know that as the final hours of February 2022 ebb away, I would be writing another blog with the same format.  Further, as I write these words, I find myself earnestly hoping that one day, I will get back to the normal format.  But writing a very small amount is better than writing nothing at all, I suppose.  With that said, let me dive in.

#1: Jesus is king

A coworker recently made me day by calling me “King Kevin”.  It’s incredibly gracious (not to mention humbling) but the reality is I’m not the king; Jesus Christ is the king, and while I do so imperfectly, I strive to live in submission to his rule and reign every day. 

Growing up, I watched the Disney version of “Robin Hood” dozens of times.  I saw it again for the first time in a long time.  Because of the compliment I referenced, I was struck by the character of Prince John.  He had diluted himself to thinking he was the king, simply because he wore the crown of his brother, Richard – the true king of the land – while Richard was away.  But if you confused him with the fact that he wasn’t actually the king, he would rant and rave, pout, and scream like a 5-year-old.  He was drunk with his own imagination of his perceived power and greatness.  May that never be the case for me.  I am not the king of anything, Jesus is king of everything, including my life. 

#2: Complete in Christ

Valentine’s Day was a few weeks ago, so I thought I would reference a sentiment from a romantic comedy that I happened to catch the end of the other day.  I didn’t take the time to look it up word for word, but essentially, the man who had met the love of his life, told his new girlfriend (soon to be fiancĂ©e) that he was incomplete, purposeless, and essentially a dead man walking until he met her.  These flowery words sound very nice in a movie, but they are wrong.  

In reality, to place an expectation on another person to be “completed” is to place a huge burden on their shoulders.  The Bible says a man or woman is complete in Christ (Colossians 2:10), not a romantic relationship.  Of course to have a significant other is a wonderful gift, but ultimately they also have their flaws and imperfections.  Only God Himself can fully satisfy humanity’s yearning to be loved in the depths of the heart and soul.

#3: Virginity rocks

Not long ago, I saw someone who had a hoodie on that had this caption: “Virginity rocks”.  I had to take the time to compliment the person on this fashion choice.  To champion virginity is hardly ever done in today’s world.  The culture today thinks refraining from sex is archaic.  Believe me, if anyone knows how difficult it is to live sexually pure in a sex-saturated world that applauds sexual promiscuity, it’s me.  The Bible applauds the chaste virgin who chooses to express sexual passion in the confines of marriage.  I also know when I say that it brings waves of remorse and guilt for those who have made that mistake, which leads me to the next blog topic.

#4: Gratitude

It’s interesting how many honest conversations you can get into about sexual impurity when you wear a sexual purity ring as I do.  A little while back, someone noticed my ring and asked about it.  When I provided the details, this person soon expressed sadness for not remaining sexually pure.  I said that I wasn’t judging at all, because everyone is guilty of sin in one way or another, including me.  The truth is, if it weren’t for the shed blood of Jesus that paid the penalty for my sins, I would be completely sunk.  I would drown in the waters of my guilt and shame.  But because of my faith and trust in Jesus and the work He did for me, I just want express my worship and gratitude to Him.

Brandon Lake’s beautiful song “Gratitude” helps me worship the Lord.  In the hope that maybe it will do the same for you, I wanted to conclude by sharing a few of his words.  “All my words fall short; I’ve got nothing new.  How could I express all my gratitude?  I could sing these songs, as I often do, but every song must end, and You never do.  So I throw up my hands, and praise You again and again.  ‘Cause all I have is a hallelujah.  Hallelujah.  I know it’s not much, but I’ve nothing else fit for a king, except a heart singing hallelujah.  Hallelujah.  I’ve got one response.  I’ve got just one move.  With my arms stretched wide, I will worship You.”
