Sunday, March 11, 2012

There's no offseason in the NFL

If you are a football fan, you are no doubt aware that four time league MVP Peyton Manning was recently released by the Indianapolis Colts.  Since then, every team in the NFL has dreamed about what it would be like to have the great Manning as their starting quarterback. 

I myself have been watching this Manning saga closely.  As I see it, there are only two teams that are on the list of becoming the next team that Peyton plays for.  #1: The Denver Broncos; #2: The Arizona Cardinals.  Some of you are wondering why I’m not listing the Miami Dolphins.  I could be wrong about this, but I just don’t think he’ll go to Miami because the Dolphins just finished a disappointing 6-10 season.  At this point in his career, I don’t foresee Peyton going to a team that is not a legitimate contender.  The Broncos, of course, went to the second round of the playoffs and lost to the Patriots.  The Cardinals were in the Super Bowl a few years ago under Kurt Warner, but have come upon hard times since Warner’s retirement (they just concluded an 8-8 season).

There was a report that stated that Peyton was leaning towards the Denver Broncos.  Meanwhile, the Jacksonville Jaguars have apparently expressed interest in Tim Tebow if the Broncos sign Peyton Manning.  Here’s the link, if you are interested.

Only time will tell how this whole episode will play out.  Peyton just finished meeting with the Cardinals; I wouldn’t be surprised if Manning makes a decision soon. 

The reason I am bringing all this up is an important one.  As a Bronco fan, I would certainly be thrilled to have a fantastic quarterback like Manning in Denver.  But as a Tim Tebow fan, I have to wonder what is running through Tebow’s mind as he tries to block out all of the talk of Manning.  I came across this inspirational quote that Tebow made long before this Peyton Manning storyline developed.  “Something I learned early in college [is] not to worry about what I can’t control…But what I can control is my attitude, my effort, my focus every single day and that’s what I’m trying to worry about.”

Tim’s sentiment is something that we all can learn from.  Clearly there are things in each of our lives that we can’t control.  We can’t fret, worry and agonize about these things.  Why not?  Well, for one thing, because it does absolutely no good to do so.  We have to remember and hold on to the fact that God is in control, no matter what.


“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything” - Philippians 4:6 (NLT)

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