Monday, November 19, 2012

My list of blessings

Every year it seems that the anticipation about the Christmas holiday begins earlier and earlier.  This year, Christmas deals were being promoted even before Halloween!  Thanksgiving is the next holiday even though it always seems to be ignored.  This is a shame because Thanksgiving is a wonderful opportunity to be reminded afresh of all of the spectacular gifts that God has bestowed upon us.

In light of this, I wanted to take the time to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving as I probably won’t have the time to post anything on the actual holiday itself.  My family has a tradition of presenting a list of the top ten things that we are thankful for.  I wanted to share my list with you today.  Here they are, in no particular order:

               10) My job at Chick-fil-A
               9) The opportunity to be able to go to Colorado Christian University
               8) Foothills Bible Church
               7) My salvation in Jesus Christ
               6) My wonderful family and friends
               5) My miraculous healing as a baby
               4) Christian music
               3) A reliable car (I’ve had some real clunkers in the past)
               2) My loyal cat, Belle (she is always by my side)
               1) My fellowship with God (that is, a sense of feeling close to Him)

I could keep going, but I promised you ten!  The main point of all of this is God’s generosity.  The Bible says in James 1:17 “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows (NIV). 

Happy Thanksgiving!


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