Friday, April 24, 2015

The April 24th blog

One of my favorite days of the year isn’t even designated as a holiday on the calendar, but it’s a very special day, nevertheless.  The day I’m referencing is actually today – April the 24th.  I say this because it was on this day, back in 1982, when God intervened in a very miraculous way in my life.  Regular readers of this blog already know the story, but for those of you that are unaware of the details, here is the story in a nutshell:

At four months old, I developed a condition known as Infantile Spasms.  This is a term that simply means that I was having seizures as an infant.  This ordeal went on for six months.  During that time, I was on what you might call the medicine of the month club.  It was the newest attempt to stop the seizures, or at least minimize their regularity.  Some worked better than others, but those seizures were a continuous unwelcome visitor.

Throughout this hardship, it wasn’t uncommon for me to be in the hospital.  On April 24th, 1982, I was in the hospital again.  But this time, I began to flat-line.  I lost my normal coloring, in fact, I began turning blue.  I was clinically dead for three minutes, but God, in His sovereignty, knew that it wasn’t my time yet.  He breathed life into me (the Bible says in Isaiah 42 that God gives breath to the inhabitants of Earth).  Not only was I alive again, but the seizures stopped, and they didn’t return.  To this day I have never had another seizure!  Every year, I stop and commemorate God’s mighty deliverance in my life on that day.

Incidentally, I’m amazed at the fact that God has shown His power, faithfulness, presence, and glory in countless ways in my life, not just on that one day 30 something years ago.  There are even more dramatic stories of God’s miraculous touch in my life than just this one I’ve shared, but that's for another day.  However, whether we are talking about the mundane days or the extraordinary ones, the Lord has always been faithful to me.  Psalm 36:5 says, “Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the Heavens; Your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds.” (NLT)


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