Friday, September 16, 2016

Contemplating Spider-Man 4

Here’s an interesting trivia fact: after Spider-Man 3, Tobey Maguire, Kirstin Dunst, and Director Sam Raimi all planned on returning to make Spider-Man 4.  And why not?  Each of the Spider-Man movies were huge blockbuster hits.  This film was to have Anne Hathaway as Felicia Hardy; John Malkovich was in talks to play the Vulture; and Dylan Baker was finally going to make his transformation from Curt Conners into the Lizard.  But after several script rewrites, the film was ultimately abandoned in 2010.

In the words of Sam Raimi: “I wanted to make Spider-Man 4 to end on a high note, the best Spider-Man of them all.  But I couldn’t get the script together in time.”  So he went to Sony Pictures and announced, “Go ahead with your reboot, which you’ve been planning anyway.”  Thus the Andrew Garfield era was ushered in.  I’ve included the link where I got this information, should you be interested.  I personally would have loved to have seen Spider-Man 4.  I was disappointed that it never made it to the big screen. 

So what might have happened in Spider-Man 4?  I don't mean the Sam Raimi version of the film with the Vulture.  That's off the table.  We do, however, get a palatable answer from You Tube of all places.  There are people on You Tube who upload fake trailers for movies.  I have to confess that I generally don’t care for these fake, fan-made trailers.  However, I really liked one submitted by someone named smily179 for Spider-Man 4.  In it, we are introduced to a future for Peter Parker and Mary Jane that is quite plausible.  It is as follows:

After the events of Spider-Man 3, Peter and Mary Jane get married.  They eventually have a son and name him Harry, in honor of Peter’s best friend Harry Osborn.  Years pass.  Harry Parker (played by Andrew Garfield, which is a brilliant idea) is now a teenager.  But a dangerous mercenary named Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) has come to learn of Peter Parker’s secret identity.  To draw him out, he attacks those closest to Peter (including the shocking and tragic murder of Peter’s Aunt May).  

Peter knows he has to stop Deadpool, but he doesn’t have to do so alone.  Peter’s son, Harry, seeing his responsibility, decides to fight by his father’s side. Harry Parker actually has spider abilities as well (presumably they were reproduced from Peter) meaning Deadpool contends with two Spider-Men.  In my mind, after Deadpool is defeated, Peter retires and passes the torch to his son. Like father, like son!

What an imaginative and creative idea for a film!   I have to give credit to smily197.  Even though there’s never going to be a Spider-Man 4 film, this fan-made trailer for a non-existent movie gave me the closure that I didn’t even really know I needed for the Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man era.  


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