Monday, April 24, 2017

Celebrating 35 years

I’ve been thinking about God’s power of late.  Stop and think about it with me: God has power that is unmatched and unparalleled by anyone or anything in the universe.  Just contemplate the miracles that He has done in the Bible.  This subject has been on my mind because I have seen the Lord show up and intervene in my own life.  I could give several examples of this, but the episode that I’m celebrating is how on this day, April 24, 1982 – 35 years ago – God healed me from a very serious illness called Infantile Spasms.

This disease was with me for almost six months (before I even had my first birthday).  One day, while I was in the hospital, I flat-lined; I was clinically dead.  I could have stayed that way and entered eternity that day.  But God, in His supernatural power, revived me.  My heart was beating again, and my brain function was completely normal.  Furthermore, there was no longer any trace of the Infantile Spasms!  I stand in awe of God and His power.  I'm reminded of a Chris Tomlin song lyric, "Our God is greater.  Our God is stronger.  God, You are higher than any other.  Our God is healer, awesome in power."

Every April 24th, I reflect on life.  I wholeheartedly believe that God ordained for me to live at this time, in this place, with these set of circumstances.  Nothing is accidental or random.  This includes when my dad, in seemingly the prime of his life, entered his Heavenly reward in 2015.  God wanted me to assume the role of taking care of my mother.  It’s a sacred responsibility that I take very seriously.  I couldn’t have taken on this role had it not been for God’s healing power in my life 35 years ago.    


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