Friday, May 19, 2017

God Most High

It is fascinating to contemplate the names of God as they reveal an intrinsic part of His character.  For example, in Genesis 22, we read that one of the names of God is Jehovah Jireh, the Lord will provide.  In Judges 6 (verse 24) we are told another name: Jehovah Shalom, the Lord is peace.  There are many more, I’m just giving you these to introduce my topic.  I recently heard a name of God that I was unaware of, El Elyon.  El means God, “Elyon literally means “Most High”…It expresses the extreme sovereignty and majesty of God.”  I’ve just quoted from blue letter  Here’s the link, if you are interested. 

One of the passages where God is referred to as El Elyon is in Daniel 4.  In this passage, King Nebuchadnezzar, after God had humbled him, says, “I blessed the Most High [there it is; El Elyon], and praised and honored Him who lives forever, for His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom endures from generation to generation” (verse 34).  

In Acts 17, Paul says that God has “determined the times set for them [humanity] and the exact places where they should live” (verse 26).  Psalm 103:19 says, “The Lord has established His throne in the Heavens, and His kingdom rules over all.”  I like this definition of God’s sovereignty from “God presides over every event, great or small, and He is in control of our lives.  To be sovereign, He must be all-knowing and all-powerful, and by His sovereignty He rules His entire creation”   (

I would be remiss if I didn’t at least briefly mention that some vehemently disagree with the notion that God is in control.  The question they would want to ask is, “If God is in control, why does God seem to allow evil to flourish?”  Or why do the good ones seem to die young?  Or you could list whatever other situations come to your mind.  I've bitten off much more than I can chew on this one.  The format of this blog won't allow me to adequately answer this objection.  But I can certainly understand why someone would ask such questions.  I wonder why God has led me to my station in life.  His plan for my life has been vastly, vastly different than mine.
Let me say this: just because God seems to go off script, so to speak, this doesn’t somehow negate His sovereign control.  If anything, it confirms that His thoughts, ways, and plans are much bigger than anything we humans can wrap our minds around.  Frankly, I like that.  I like serving a God that I can’t fully explain.  I like serving a God who is bigger than my comprehension.

Bill Oudemolen, in a sermon, once stated, “God is in charge, no matter what is happening in your life.  No matter what you’re experiencing; no matter what you’re going through; no matter how difficult things are; no matter how heavy the burden is in your life, do not deny God’s power, accept His sovereignty.”  Amen to that!  God, El Elyon, the sovereign, majestic, Most High is in control.  That is incredibly comforting.


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