Tuesday, January 30, 2018

7 years later

It was back in January of 2011 that I began this blog.  Let me illustrate my feelings regarding my life then and now with a story: over the weekend, to decompress, I watched the network broadcast of Super Bowl 32.  This was the game where the Broncos defeated the Packers to win their first world championship.

I found it interesting to note how different football was back then compared to what it is now.  For example, there was no instant replay at that time.  Further, the two teams were different than they are today.  John Elway, Terrell Davis, and the rest of the Broncos were coached by Mike Shanahan; Brett Favre, Dorsey Levens and the rest of the Packers were coached by Mike Holmgren. But despite these differences, it was still the NFL.  It was still the Denver Broncos; it was still the Green Bay Packers.  In the same way, my life is not the same as it was in January of 2011.  I’m still Kevin Bauer, but there are vast differences to who I am today when contrasted with 7 years ago.  I could give 15 examples of this, but I won’t.  You can just take my word for it.

Conversely, one thing that has not changed is my burning desire to defer any accolades, praise, and glory to God alone.  He is the One who deserves it; not me.  I love this quote from a sermon by the late Rick Ferguson (who incredibly has been in Heaven for going on 16 years now); he said, “This has been a consuming discovery for me: that the ultimate issue of the entire universe is the glory of God.  Life is not about me; it’s not about you; it’s not about us; it’s all about Him.  [It’s about] His glory, His renown, His pleasure, His will, His desire, His rule, His Kingdom…His great name.”  An enthusiastic “amen” belongs here!   


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