Thursday, April 26, 2018

Life 35+ years later

After celebrating God’s healing touch in my life as a child, I thought I would write a follow-up blog reflecting on my life an adult today.

From the outset, let me unequivocally declare that I am so grateful for the gift of life.  I am thankful for it because of that defining moment in my life on 4/24 all those years ago; also because of many other significant events that taught me to treasure life.  I’m well aware that every time I wake up to face another day, it is a gift from the hand of God.  He is the One who sustained me.  He kept my heart beating.  He protected me (Psalm 4:8).  Someone said it this way: “Today is a gift that’s why it’s called the present.”

Conversely, I have to admit to you that life can be tough.  Jonny Diaz paints a good picture of the normal rigors of a day; in his song “Breathe” he states, “Ninety miles an hour, going as fast as I can; trying to push a little harder, trying to get the upper hand. So much to do in so little time; it’s a crazy life.  It’s ready, set, go; it’s another wild day…my stress is on the rise.”  This describes my life so well.

Furthermore, the storms of life seem relentless.  Many years ago, I was in a church service where a guest preacher spoke; he made a statement that I resonate with today.  He said, “Just when you think you are confident in God, comes the next trial around the corner, comes the next daunting challenge.”  I couldn’t have put it better.  That’s where I often find myself these days.  The preacher went on to say, “When God’s will crosses my will, I am presented with this idea: [God says to me] ‘My ways aren’t your ways, but you can trust me, because I am good.’”  It’s not often put quite that way: since God is good, we can trust Him.

To conclude, in a memorable episode of the TV show “Lois and Clark” a despondent man attempts to commit suicide, but Superman stops him.  He tells the man, “Life is a very precious gift.  Every day we are alive is another chance to be the best we can be.”  The man doesn’t get Superman’s point at first.  But after he briefly obtains some of Superman’s powers, and has the opportunity to live the life of a superhero, he eventually does understand.  At the end of the episode, with everything back to normal, the man declares, “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all this, it’s that life really is worth living for as long as you get to.  Because you never know what’s going to happen next.”  Life is an incredible adventure.  I want to relish every day, because I don’t know what is going to happen next.


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