Saturday, August 25, 2018

"Memories never die"

As I shared back in June, the TV show “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” debuted back in 1993.  It was an immensely popular show.  Everyone seemed to watch it, and I was no exception.  I don’t know exactly why, but I have been watching a lot of those old Power Rangers episodes of late.  I’ve been watching the second season.  One of the storylines for a portion of that season was the fact that Tommy Oliver (arguably the greatest Power Ranger of all time) was losing his Green Ranger powers.  Every episode showcased that Tommy’s powers were getting weaker and weaker.

At the ending scene of an episode titled “The Song of Guitardo”, after yet another intense battle, Tommy was sad as he realized that his days as a Ranger were apparently numbered (ultimately, Tommy did lose his Green Ranger powers, but interestingly, he went on to become the White Ranger, and the new leader of the Power Rangers, but I’m getting ahead of myself in the story arc).  Seeing how somber and depressed Tommy was, Kimberly, the Pink Ranger, spoke up.  She announced that she, along with Zack, the Black Ranger, had written a song for him.  Kimberly proceeded to grab a guitar, strum it, and sing these words:

“Down the road, we never know what life may have in store.  Winds of change will rearrange our live more than before.  But you’ll never stand alone, my friend.  Memories never die.  In our hearts, they’ll always live, and never say goodbye.”

It’s always a strange phenomenon when I watch a TV show or a movie that I saw before my dad passed away, only to see it again now, and see it with new eyes.  Kimberly’s heartfelt song was something that I saw differently now than I did way back in 1994.  

Yesterday would have been my parent’s 44th wedding anniversary, but 3 years ago, “winds of change” hit not only my mother’s life, but my life as well.  The mantle has been passed on to me, and I feel the weight of that calling every single day.  Events like yesterday are bittersweet and painful.  But in a way, my dad will always be with me.  Because I will always remember his love, integrity, leadership, meticulousness, and humor; as Kimberly put it: “Memories never die.  In our hearts, they’ll always live, and never say goodbye.”


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