Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Time does not heal all wounds

I recently heard a sermon where the pastor mentioned how his generation could instantly recollect where they were when they heard that President Kennedy had been assassinated.  He went on to say that this generation can immediately remember where they were when they heard the news that the Twin Towers had collapsed; a tragic event that, of course, occurred on this day, 17 years ago.  This pastor was right.  I could certainly tell you where I was.

As I mentally go back to that traumatic day, my heart goes out to those who lost loved ones.  I know this is an especially difficult day for them.  I also know it doesn’t really make any difference that it’s been 17 years.  Contrary to popular belief, time doesn’t heal all wounds.  In fact, if anyone happens to read my words that lost a spouse, family member, friend (or whatever the situation might be) on that horrible day, I want you to know I have been praying for you on this hard day.

In 2003, the Christian music group Avalon had this line in their song Everything to Me: “We’re living in uncertain times, and more and more, I find that I’m aware of how fragile life can be.” Tomorrow is my dad’s birthday, and because of how fragile life really is, we will be remembering how his life didn’t last nearly as long as anyone thought it would.  I may not know what it feels like to lose a beloved family member because of a terrorist attack, but I do know the pain of having to face an unexpected death.

I recently quoted from Paul Asay’s book God on the Streets of Gotham: What the Big Screen Batman can Teach Us about God and Ourselves regarding a different subject matter; I want to conclude today by citing another excerpt from his book.  At one point, he writes, “Most of us have experienced pain, from the death of a loved one to an out-of-the-blue betrayal to the unexpected loss of a lifelong dream.  It’s not like we’re expected to deal with these trials with a forced smile or stoic resolve.  We grieve.  We get angry.  We wail and moan.”  How true it is.


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