Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Who is Jesus?

Merry Christmas, reader!  I wonder if you have ever stopped and asked yourself this question: who is Jesus?  He is celebrated every December; but just who is this man?  Billy Graham once presented a sermon that asked and answered that very question.  The sermon was from 1971 in Chicago, but his words then are still just as relevant today.  (Here is a link to Billy Graham’s sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U89zkUZPd5w)

First of all, Jesus Himself “claimed to be the unique, only begotten, incarnate Son of God,” as Dr. Graham put it.  “The Scripture says, ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God’ [John 1:1].  Before time began, He existed.  He said, ‘Before Abraham was, I AM’ [John 8:58].  No wonder they got angry.  No wonder they threw stones at Him [John 8:59]... He stood and said, “I am God.”

Furthermore, “Look at His authority.  ‘Jesus spake unto them and said, ‘All authority has been given to Me’ [Matthew 28:18; KJV].  I know that He had authority over nature.  One night He was in a storm, the lightening was flashing, the thunder was roaring.  The sea was raging; the wind was blowing; the disciples were afraid.  Jesus was asleep.  He stood up, and said, ‘Peace, be still.’  The lightening quit its flashing, and the thunder quit its roaring.  The rain ceased to fall, and the wind quieted down.  The sea quieted down.  Nature obeyed Him [Mark 4:37-39].  He had power over nature.”  Dr. Graham went on to speak about how Jesus actually forgave sin, healed people of awful diseases, and He even had authority over demonic spirits.

Then he began to speak of the horrendous death that Jesus died.  He didn’t just endure the cross.  He also endured scourging (a barbaric practice that often killed the victim); His executioners placed a crown of thorns on His head, in cruel mockery.  In fact, Jesus was so physically depleted that, at one point, they had to pick someone out of the crowd to help Him carry His cross.

Dr. Graham continued, “On that cross…Jesus dropped His head, and said, ‘It is finished’ [John 19:30].  What did He mean?  He meant…God can now forgive you of all your sins, because Jesus had finished God’s plan for your salvation.  Because, you see, God knows every one of you by name.  He has the hairs of your head numbered.  God looks on you as if you were the only person in the whole universe….and on that cross Jesus had the capacity to think of you.  He loved you enough to stay on the cross.  Was there ever such love as that?”

Jesus was dead; and He was subsequently placed in a borrowed tomb.  But He didn’t stay there.  “Jesus Christ is alive,” Dr. Billy Graham proclaimed in that sermon.  “When they went out to the tomb that morning, they heard the greatest news the world has ever known: ‘He is not here; He is risen’ [Matthew 28:6; by the way, these words are from an angel].  He is alive today.  You know, some of us Christians live as if Jesus Christ were dead.  He’s not dead; He’s alive.”  Amen to that!

So who is Jesus?  He is the unique God in human flesh.  There is no one in human history like Jesus Christ.  He entered our world through the womb of a virgin.  He showcased amazing miracle after amazing miracle.  Then He experienced death, but He conquered it, and walked out of His own grave and He ascended back to Heaven.  Furthermore, this Jesus can transform your life.  How do I know this?  Because He transformed mine.   

I’ve been looking back at some of the blogs I composed in 2018.  Back in January, I wrote these words: “God loves you with a passion.  He proved that love by dying a horrific death (see Romans 5:8).  Unfortunately, it is possible for Jesus’ sacrificial death to have no difference in your life.  It’s like if you were an heir to a rich relative who bequeathed all of his wealth to you in his will, but you said, “I don’t care.  I don’t need his money.  I can make it on my own.”  Jesus paid it all on the cross for you.  But you have to say “yes” to Him and His sacrificial act for it to be of any good to you.  The Bible says, 'Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.'"  My prayer is that you would receive Christ today.  What a great day for you to do so!


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