Monday, July 22, 2019


For 10 years, the Bauer family was blessed to sit under the Biblical teaching of Bill Oudemolen.  But not long after my dad passed away, for various reasons, my mom and I decided to begin attending another church.  It was sad, but seasons inevitably change.  In 2017, Pastor Bill wrote a blog that recently came back to my mind.  I was so impacted by his words, I wish I could cite more, but I’ll refrain.  I will, of course, have the link below, and I would encourage you to read his words that day in their entirety.  Here is some of what he wrote:

“After 24 days in Michigan it feels amazing to be home.  My own bed.  My own shower.  My own towels.  My own car.  My own drawers, closets, and easy chair… Being away from home can be refreshing and exciting.  It's fun to see different places, have different experiences, and eat in different restaurants.  Travel can be just what the doctor ordered.  But after a certain period of time, I find myself longing to get home.  I think that is one of the benefits of travel - it makes you long for home.  Home is where you feel safe, comfortable, and at ease.  You don't have to be up or get ready for just get to be home.

I've been relishing being home all day today, and then out of the blue it struck me that I'm actually not home yet.  Yep, here comes the sermonette!  The great theologian Carrie Underwood refers to this as our "Temporary Home."  There's a praise song with this lyric - "All I know is that I'm not home yet."  The old Gospel song put it this way - "This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through."  For the Christian, our earthly homes are temporary dwellings.  This is not our final home.  In many ways, we’re just camping here.”


This month marks the 4 year anniversary of my dad unexpectedly entering his eternal home in Heaven.  To lose him was the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to me.  I miss him.  But there is great comfort and hope in knowing that because of his personal relationship with Jesus, Dad is home in Heaven.  The Christian group Mercy Me expresses my heart’s cry with this line: “I’ve never been more homesick than now” (full lyrics can be found at


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