Friday, February 28, 2020

"Looking unto Jesus" (part 1)

Ash Wednesday was a few days ago.  This holiday marks the official beginning of Lent; and the anticipation of Easter Sunday, where Jesus gloriously conquered death itself.  Incidentally, I found good information on Ash Wednesday and Lent at got  I would encourage you to look over the article yourself, but to give a little appetizer I will share these brief quotations.

The writer says, “Should a Christian observe Ash Wednesday?  Since the Bible nowhere explicitly commands or condemns such a practice, Christians are at liberty to prayerfully decide whether or not to observe Ash Wednesday.”  A little later on, it reads, “It is a good thing to repent of sinful activities, but that’s something Christians should do every day, not just during Lent.  It’s a good thing to clearly identify oneself as a Christian, but, again, this should be an everyday identification.  And it is a good reminder that no ritual can make one’s heart right with God.”

As the days grew closer to Ash Wednesday, and Lent, the Lord laid on my heart to share something that I actually submitted back in December in my other blog.  I’ve decided to recycle and re-submit the material again in this blog.  

I do this for several reasons, but primarily because some of the feedback I’ve received for that content was that it was a little difficult to digest.  I went back and looked over it again myself; it does have a lot of information to process for just one blog.  So to help us set our minds on Jesus, I’m going to submit what I shared in December, re-package it a bit, and break it up into several installments here. 

Today is really just an introduction more than anything.  So let me conclude for now by speaking of the title of this upcoming series.  As you see, I called it “Looking unto Jesus”.  I got that phrase from Hebrews 12:2 which reads, “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (New King James Version).  Stay tuned, as we embark on this journey together.


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