Sunday, April 12, 2020

Famous last words (part 3 of 3)

I have enjoyed decades of Easter remembrances in my life, but never has there been a celebration quite like this one.  The coronavirus (or covid-19) reared its ugly head, and everyday life has been anything but normal.  It has felt like we have been living in lockdown mode for these last few weeks and months.  But, thankfully, no matter how turbulent life gets, Jesus is alive, and as Bill Gaither’s song puts it: “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.”

Today – on this Easter that no one will ever forget – I want to conclude a short blog series that I began earlier this month called Jesus’ famous last words.  We will be looking at a few verses from John the 20th chapter.  The first part of verse 19 says, “On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews” (New International Version).  After Jesus’ crucifixion, the disciples went to a house, bolted the door, and stayed there.

Does that sound familiar?  They didn’t need to be issued a “stay-at-home” order; they were terrified that someone was going to recognize them, and they would be executed just like Christ.  What they didn’t realize was Jesus had actually risen from the dead!  But He shows up.  Look at the second half of the verse: “Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”  [20] After he said this, he showed them his hands and side.  The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.”  Jesus, in typical miraculous fashion, suddenly appears in the room with them.  And then, in a mere matter of seconds, they went from fear to joy.

I have it in mind that someone reading this has been contemplating the claims of Jesus Christ.  Maybe you’ve never really paid any attention to Palm Sunday or Good Friday, but perhaps someone invited you to an online gathering at their church.  You learned Jesus’ identity: He is God in human flesh.  And He died on a cross, not primarily to offer a selfless example, but to pay the wages of your sin and mine (Romans 6:23).  It is Easter.  I pray that God has illuminated the truth of Easter to your heart; Jesus walked out of that tomb, alive forevermore, just as He said He would!

John 20 goes on to convey that Thomas said he wasn’t going to believe in the resurrection of Jesus, unless he saw it with his own eyes.  Interestingly, a week later, just as before, Jesus appears with them in the house, even with the bolted doors (verse 26).  Christ singles Thomas out; He says to him, “Put your finger here; see my hands.  Reach out your hand and put it into my hand and put it into my side.  Stop doubting and believe” (John 20:27).  Thomas’ reaction is priceless: “My Lord and my God” (verse 28)!  Verse 29: “Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

In our world today, there is a lot that can make us afraid.  That is patently clear to everyone right now.  But in a similar way to what happened that first Easter, Jesus can come into your home.  His love and peace can envelope you right where you are, via an online church service (or even a blog).  What’s more, Jesus Christ can change your life forever, if you surrender to Him.  That’s my prayer for you because it will be the best decision you’ve ever made.  Your entire outlook can be transformed from dread to joy, from panic to peace, and from despair to hope.  It’s not that the fearful situation magically doesn’t exist anymore; it’s the realization that Jesus gives supernatural peace in the midst of the storm.


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