Tuesday, July 28, 2020

"It'll be hard not to cry"

In an episode of the animated TV show “Justice League” entitled “Hereafter”, Superman sacrifices himself to save his Justice League teammates.  At least he is thought be dead.  In part 2 of the story, it is revealed that he wasn’t killed at all; he was actually thrust centuries into the future.  (This is a detail I hesitate to bring up, as it takes a lot of the emotional punch out of it, but if I don’t, someone may get stuck on the idea that they killed off Superman).

A large portion of part 1 of “Hereafter” is an emotionally gripping tale of mourning the loss of a beloved superhero.  At one point, the Justice League even contemplate whether or not they can even continue as a superhero group at all, without Superman.  But to this day, the scene that always makes me cry is the funeral scene.  One of the Justice League members named J’onn J’onzz (A.K.A. Martian Manhunter) spoke these hauntingly beautiful and articulate words of tribute to Superman:

“Though we gather here today bound together in sorrow and loss, we share a precious gift.  We are all of us privileged to live a life that has been touched by Superman.  The Man of Steel possessed many extraordinary gifts, and he shared them with us freely.  None of these gifts were more remarkable than his ability to discern what needed to be done, and his unfailing courage in doing it, whatever the personal cost.  Let us all strive to accept his gift, and pass it along, as an ongoing tribute to Kal-El of Krypton; the immigrant from the stars who taught us all how to be heroes.”

I bring this up because I have a ‘remembrance decal’ on my car window that reads, “In loving memory: Dad ‘Superman’ 1954-2015.”  Jerry Bauer, the one I get to call “Dad” was not perfect or sinless, by any means.  I’m not suggesting that he was.  The Bible even says that no one can honestly make the claim of sinless perfection (1 John 1:8).  Nobody is perfect, at least until Heaven, because there is no sin there!  However, my dad’s example continues to inspire me even to this day.
J’onn J’onzz spoke of an “ongoing tribute” to Superman in that quote.  Likewise, my father has been in Heaven for 5 years now, but I want to honor him by participating in my own “ongoing tribute”.  I want to do this by following Dad’s example of humility, unselfishness, faith, and devotion to family in my own life.
In conclusion, in part 2 of the episode “Hereafter”, Superman is able to return home.  The reunion with his fellow superhero cohorts is another gripping moment.  The Flash tries to conceal his emotions by saying, “There’s something in my eye.”  “Yeah,” Green Lantern replies.  “Tears.”  Similarly, one day I will see my dad again in Heaven!  A group called the Shepherds sum up my thoughts on that reunion.  While I love the actual song too, the title of their song alone is apt: “It’ll be hard not to cry”.


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