Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Grieving the loss of life in Boulder

There are moments in life when an event hits you so hard that time seems to stop.  All you are left with are feelings of disbelief, shock, and helplessness.  This happened to me again recently.  I’m referring to a horrible event last week; there was a shooting at a King Soopers in Boulder, Colorado.  10 people lost their lives.  I want to wish my sympathy to the families and friends who have been thrust into a dark season of pain, suffering, and grief. 

As I said, this news has hit me very hard emotionally.  I don’t live in Boulder, but I do live in Colorado.  Actually, Boulder isn’t all that far from my stomping grounds.   The close proximity was one aspect that shook me up, but another thing is the venue.  I am a frequent shopper at King Soopers.  How often have I gone into a King Soopers just to get a few things?  It goes to show that one cannot take a day for granted, because life is fragile.

King Soopers all throughout Colorado have set up beautiful memorial tables to honor the victims.  At one of them, there was a place for people to write a few words.  I took the time to record my perspective.  I wrote this: ‘To lose someone you love to death is to walk around with a hole in your heart.  I know this firsthand.  I pray God’s comfort, peace, and healing for those plunged into grief.’


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