Friday, September 10, 2021

A solemn anniversary

It didn’t feel right for me to return to Daniel 1 (one day we’ll complete that chapter).  But today I felt it would be negligent of me if didn’t stop and mention the 20-year anniversary of 9/11.  That was such a painful, horrific day.  I vividly remember where I was when I heard the news, and I recall the emotions I felt in the hours and days that followed.

So many families were changed forever two decades ago.  While I didn’t directly lose anyone that day, I have been through instances of unexpected loss.  So I’m able to speak about the grief, pain, and hurt that comes from such a traumatic episode.  Frankly, losing a loved one changes your world forever.

Let me also acknowledge that there may be someone who is in the throes of loss right now.  Maybe not from 9/11, but it’s still sudden and visceral.  Maybe it’s a result of this covid world, or a medical crisis, or perhaps a car wreck.  Whatever the specifics, just know that I pray for you; I pray that you find comfort and solace in the arms of the Lord.

In conclusion, one of the lasting memories for me on 9/11 was when President Bush addressed the nation from the Oval Office that evening.  His words gave me incredible peace and calm.  I’ll never forget how, at one point, he quoted from Psalm 23; “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.” 


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