Friday, December 31, 2021

An important final word in 2021

There are some blogs that I don’t particularly want to write, but I will anyway.  This is one of those blogs.  The fact of the matter is 2021 is a year that I will never forget.  And it’s not memorable for a positive event, either.  Several months ago now, someone chose to use their words to viciously attack me.  These words cut me so deeply.  The verbal assault wounded me so intensely.  I actually feel as if this episode has the potential to haunt me for the rest of my life (now you see why I wasn’t too happy about writing about this today).

So the question is this: how does one recover from arguably the greatest verbal belittling in 40 years of life?  My answer is one you’d likely expect: forgiveness.  Stay with me here because I’m not just giving you the Sunday school, Christian answer.  I know what unforgiveness will do to my heart.  It will destroy me from the inside out; it will turn me into a shell of myself.  I honestly believe the only way to be free from a devastating experience – like the episode I’ve brought up – is to choose to forgive. 

Before I proceed, let me present two cautions.  Number one: forgiveness doesn’t mean you are a doormat for someone.  I want to be a forgiving person, but I still need to have wisdom and discernment.  I think of domestic abuse, for example.  If a person is in such a situation, they need to get out and not look back.  Incidentally, forgiveness can be extended, but that doesn’t necessarily always mean it will lead to reconciliation.  Sometimes reconciliation is not a possibility.

Secondly, it may surprise you to note that the Bible never once gives us the admonition to “forgive and forget”.  Repeatedly we are told to forgive but forget is never attached.  I think there’s a good reason for that; I will never forget the painful episode I’ve been referring to.  Something will trigger it, and it is back at the forefront of my mind and emotions.  But when it does, I make the decision once again to forgive.

Ephesians 4:32 is such a powerful verse; it reads: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”  That’s an important key when I contemplate this subject: “as God in Christ forgave you.”  Since I’ve been forgiven by God for my wrongs, how can I refuse forgiveness to others?  While I was putting all of this together, Jesus’ words on the cross washed over me in a fresh way.  As He was hanging in agony, Jesus said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). 

In conclusion, I know this was heavy today.  At one point, I thought about trying to put in something humorous to lighten it up.  It was very hard to write.  My purpose in presenting what I have is this: if you have been harboring unforgiveness towards someone who hurt you deeply, realize the only liberation is found in forgiveness.  Life is too short to spend it holding a grudge.


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

"What is Christmas without Christ?"

Back in 2010, the group Kutlass recorded a marvelous song called “This is Christmas”.  The song begins with these words: “Do you find it hard to sleep tonight, resting by the Christmas lights?  Could there be something you forgot?  Beyond the bows and mistletoe, the tree with presents wrapped below…have we lost the reason that we celebrate each year?  What is Christmas?  If there never was a savior wrapped in a manger; what is Christmas without Christ?”

I stopped and envisioned a holiday where I celebrated Christmas, but without Christ.  What would that day look like?  I think I would still go through the motions.  I would give gifts to family and friends.  But I can imagine being stressed out and exhausted by the festivities.  Because, at the end of the day, what would the point be?  The heart of the holiday would be ripped out, if I engaged in a Christ-less Christmas.  Christ is the star of Christmas.  He is the gift.

The 2006 film “Superman Returns” starring Brandon Routh is generally regarded as a blunder.  While I concede that this film is far from flawless, one of the reasons I enjoy it is because of the obvious references to Superman being a type, and a picture of Jesus Himself.  I could cite several examples of this, but for today, I want to describe one scene of Superman with Lois.  But first, let me set the context.

This film sees the Man of Steel leaving Earth for 5 years (if you’re thinking that’s an implausible thing for Superman to do, I agree with you, but it is what it is).  The inhabitants of Earth begin to try to convince themselves that they don’t need him anymore.  When Superman finally does return, he is shocked to find Lois cynical and bitter toward him.  In fact, Lois had actually written a newspaper article with this stinging title: “Why the world doesn’t need Superman”. 

“I moved on,” Lois says to Superman, when she gets her chance to express her frustration to him.  “The world doesn’t need a savior, and neither do I.”  Superman, although clearly wounded by her words, asks Lois to fly with her.  And they do.  Eventually, as the float together in the quietness of outer space, he asks her what she hears.  She answers that she doesn’t hear anything.  “I hear everything.”  He replies.  “You wrote that the world doesn’t need a savior, yet every day I hear people crying out for one.”

Why do I celebrate Christ at Christmas?  Because I know my own heart, and the battles I have with sin.  But I celebrate the words the angel spoke in Matthew 1:21; Joseph was instructed to give the baby the name Jesus “for He will save His people from their sins.”  I celebrate that Jesus’ work on the cross cleanses me from sin (1 John 1:7).  As the old hymn says, “Sin had left a crimson stain; He washed it white as snow.” 

The world does need a savior.  It’s true for Lois, and that universe, but it’s also true for us today.  On Christmas we celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world, Jesus the Christ.  Without Him, December 25th would be hollow and empty.  If someone reads this who realizes you’ve never cried out to the Savior in faith, trust, and surrender, what better time to do so than this Christmas season? 


Friday, December 10, 2021

Mourning the loss of “D.T.” – A Denver Broncos icon

I was shocked and saddened to hear the news that former Denver Broncos wide receiver Demaryius Thomas “D.T.” passed away from a medical issue.  He was 33.  As a football fan, I saw with my own eyes how talented and special he was.  Two examples come to my mind.  First of all, the catch and run he made against the Pittsburgh Steelers in the playoffs in the 2011 wildcard game.  Tim Tebow throws a pass to DT on the first play in overtime, and Thomas takes it all the way to the end zone to seal the Broncos victory.  What a moment!

Secondly, it was in Super Bowl 48 when the Broncos – with a record setting offense – were completely destroyed by the Seattle Seahawks 43-8.  But, in that game, it was Demaryius Thomas who set a Super Bowl record for most receptions by a player; he had a whopping 13 catches!  The record has since been broken, but Demaryius was one of the few bright spots for Denver that day.

As the tributes have been pouring in, it is evident that Demaryius Thomas was just as special off the football field as he was on it.  For example, Peyton Manning said, “DT was a better person than he was a player, and he was a Hall of Fame player, that tells you how good a person he was.  He treated my kids like they were his own.  He was there for every teammate’s charity event…Absolutely devastated.” 

I was so touched by Tim Tebow’s words of tribute: “So many are going to remember him for his athletic ability,” he said, “But I’ll be remembering him for his kindness, his smile that would light up a room, and the love he had for those in his life” (quotes from

My thoughts and prayers go to DT’s family and friends.  I know what it’s like to lose a loved one unexpectedly, so I can resonate with the pain, grief, and anguish they are going through right now.

In conclusion, this sad news was a reminder for me to cherish every day; it is a gift.  There is a fine line between life and death.  Further, it reminds me to share the hope in my heart.  1 Peter 3:15 says, “Be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.”  I have hope today because it is found in Jesus.  I celebrate Him this Christmas season.  


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The main star of Christmas

One of the first Christmas songs I heard this year was “Christmas Time is Here” from “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.  And Christmas time certainly is here in full swing!  Recently, at my workplace, I was honored to be asked to hang the star on top of the Christmas tree, after it was finished being decorated.  I probably should have taken the time to post a picture of it here, but both the tree and the star, is lovely.

To have that experience of hanging the star on top of the tree was very special for me.  It reminded me that in the midst of all of the hustle and bustle of the Christmas festivities, I need to focus on the One who is the main star of Christmas: Jesus Christ.  This time of year we rightly contemplate Jesus being born into this world.  But we tend to forget that this same Jesus grew up. He lived a life of perfect virtue and integrity.  He was Superman. Eventually He died a sacrificial death for us; three days later, He proved His divine power by rising from the dead.  It’s all about Him, not just on Christmas or Easter, but every day.

“Why all this Jesus stuff?”  Someone wants to know my answer to that question.  My answer is two-fold.  Number one: because the older I get, the more I see how empty and futile life is without Him.  I celebrated my 40th birthday back in June, so I’ve been very reflective, believe me.  I’ve discovered how foolish it is to look to something or someone else for life and identity.  Things like money, pleasure, notoriety, and power are enticing, but they pale in comparison to a relationship with Jesus.  To quote Jonathan Evans, you and I can easily climb the ladder of success only to get to the top and realize the whole time it was leaning against the wrong wall.

Secondly, the answer to the why Jesus question is because you and I have a sin problem and only Jesus provides salvation.  The Bible says, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord laid on Him [Jesus] the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6).  Conceivably, God could have chosen to leave humanity to fend for itself when He saw how entangled we are with sin.  But He didn’t.  He chose to express His love in the most emotionally gripping way: death on a cross.  Because, the Bible tells us, “without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.”

In conclusion, I have listened to Rebecca St. James’ 2005 album “If I had one chance to tell you something” hundreds of times.  I listened to it again recently.  I could probably write a blog on each track, but I found myself resonating with these words from a track titled “Love being loved by You”:

“Who am I that You would notice me?  Who am I that You would think of me?  I stand in awe of Your amazing love.  Who am I that you would rescue me?  Who am I that you would die?” 
