Thursday, April 11, 2024

"Sing like never before"

Back in January of 2023, I blogged about how I saw someone that I had not seen in almost 20 years.  This was a very odd, surreal experience.  I likened it to how an aged Bruce Wayne must have felt, in a clever time travel narrative on the show “Justice League Unlimited”, when he met his younger self.  Incidentally, this was just an analogy; I don’t consider myself to be aged – although it’s true that I’m not a young man anymore, either! 

I bring it up now because this phenomenon happened again, just recently.  I had the chance to catch up with someone that I had not seen in 3 years.  To be reminded of what would soon enter my life then – an ulcer, anemia, and days in the emergency room – was stark and jarring.  It was an incredible reminder that God chose to spare my life for this day, this hour.  It was a reminder that, while I’ve always been grateful for every day I see, today I feel this on a deeper, more visceral level.

Last month, I described how God has used these fiery ordeals I’ve experienced to refine me into a more complete, mature person.  But you know what else I’ve discovered as I consider all of this?  It’s the humbling fact that while I’m not the same person I was 3 years ago I still have so much more to go.  There is more work for the Lord to do in me.

I was reminded of a segment from a Christian radio announcer a few years ago.  By the way, whenever I mention something a Christian radio announcer said, it is a high compliment indeed; because my father – Jerry Bauer – was a fabulous radio announcer who set the bar very high in my eyes.  This radio personality was commenting on a line from Matt Redman’s excellent song “10,000 reasons (Bless the Lord)”; in the midst of worshipping God, Matt has the line: “sing like never before”.  This Christian DJ stated with all that’s going on in the chaotic world, it’s so important to remember to “sing like never before” to a watching world. 

“Bless the Lord, oh my soul,” sings Matt Redman (can you hear his voice in your head as you read this?), “oh my soul; worship His holy name.  Sing like never before, oh my soul, I’ll worship Your holy name.”  In this context of the trials I’ve been through, I resonate with the DJ’s sentiments.

While I’m on the subject of this Matt Redman song, there is a section of it that hits me differently now.  And I’ve been meaning to bring the concept up here anyway.  I’ll cite it, in conclusion.  He sings, “And on that day when my strength is failing, the end draws near and my time has come, still my soul will sing Your praise unending.  Ten thousand years, and then forevermore.”  Because of my faith in, and my relationship with Jesus, this will be my reality in Heaven one day!

God bless,


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