Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thoughts on life, death, and legacy

As you can plainly see, it’s been a little while since I posted a blog.  The biggest reason for this is because my 81 year old grandmother – Grandma Esther as I called her – died back on Thursday the 22nd.  I just returned from a trip out to Nebraska to attend her funeral.  It was a nice celebration of her life; her memory was honored.
I have to admit that I have lot of thoughts running through my head (so this blog might have more than one subject).  One thought is elation that Grandma was a Christian and is now with Jesus in Heaven.  Of course we still feel the void that she left and so we grieve.  But as 1 Thessalonians 4:13 says, we don’t grieve as those who have no hope.  We have hope.  We have a confident hope that we will see the departed again one day in Heaven.
I also thought about the topic of a legacy.  At the cemetery where we did the graveside service, it struck me that each of the headstones in that cemetery represent a person who left a legacy in some way.  It made me consider once again what kind of legacy I will leave one day.  I desire to be known as someone who, both through word and deed, pointed people to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Why?  Because life isn’t about me; it’s about Him.
The last topic that is on my heart is how fragile life really is.  Sometimes we are so prone to look at our family trees, and think, “Well, those in my family history lived to a ripe old age, so I will too,” but this is faulty thinking.  The truth is we don’t know how long we will live on this Earth.  Every day is a gift from the hand of God.  We must never just cruise through life with the attitude that we will live for decades and decades.  Of course, we may do just that; we may live to be a hundred years old or more, but we can’t assume that we will.  We simply don’t know.  Only God knows how long we will live.
“All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” - Psalm 139:16

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