Monday, September 5, 2011

It's good to work

Work is good.  In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam a job: to work and take care of the Garden (Genesis 2:15 - incidentally notice that this was before sin entered the picture in Genesis 3).  In verse 19, we see that God gave Adam the job of naming all the animals.  Way back since the Garden of Eden, God set the precedent of mankind working.  I’ll say it again: work is good. 
I know as I say this some of you are feeling nervous and guilty because you do not have a job.  You know the value of work, but you can’t work right now because no one is hiring you.  Understand that I’m not attempting to heap guilt on you.  I’m sorry you are having trouble.  You should continue to put yourself out there: send out resumes, pray for God to open a door of new employment and so on, but don’t let my words discourage you.  Keep at it!
Let me also say that it is certainly true that God wants us to rest from our labor on one day a week as He tells us in the Ten Commandments.  It's wrong to work nonstop and never rest and relax, but I think it’s important that we remember that work in and of itself is a good thing.  My dear mother often says that resting in the evening is the reward of working hard throughout the day; I think she’s right.    

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