Monday, May 14, 2012

Choosing delayed gratification

We live in an instant gratification world.  When I was growing up, there used to be a “layaway” department where you could ask the store to hold the product for a time.  While there may still be a few trace remnants of this notion in our culture, for the most part people simply put their purchase on a credit card instead of relying on the concept of layaway.  We have immediate communication via e-mail, social media websites, and instant messaging.  If you get hungry at midnight, no need to wait, you can simply go to a restaurant drive-through; they are open until the wee hours of the morning.  We live in an instant gratification world.

Most of you know that I’m a big fan of superheroes.  Even though they are fictional, to see superheroes that model such traits as selflessness, courage, and valor never ceases to inspire me to emulate such traits in my own life.  Because of this, you will be surprised to read that I have not yet seen the movie “The Avengers.”  I certainly plan to do so, but circumstances have not allowed for me to watch it as of yet.  I’m very happy to hear of all the success the movie has had and I am eagerly anticipating the day that I can finally watch it. 

While I’m not necessarily thrilled with the idea of not seeing the movie (it seems like everyone else around me has seen it and has told me how great it is), I also believe that it’s healthy to practice delayed gratification.  It’s like the child who has to wait for his/her Christmas gifts.  The whole gift experience is made more enjoyable because it was coupled with the anticipation and waiting.  Whenever I finally do watch “The Avengers” I think I’ll enjoy it even more because I’ve had to wait all this time to watch it! 


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