Saturday, December 15, 2012

A book commendation

The other day I was browsing at a local Christian bookstore.  I came upon a book that I had never seen before, but its title gripped me.  It’s called “Embracing Obscurity.”  The subtitle is “Becoming Nothing in Light of God’s Everything.”  It came out a few months ago.  I haven’t read the whole book yet, but it is fascinating.  The author’s primary assertion seems to be that we as Christians have bought into the false notion that we need to live to make a name for ourselves, to promote ourselves, and to attain notoriety.

The author puts it this way in the introduction: “We’re intoxicated with a desire to be known, recognized, appreciated, and respected.  We crave to be a “somebody” and do notable things, to achieve our dreams and gain the respect of others” (page 1).  You’ll notice that I haven’t given the author’s name of this book yet.  Incredibly, I cannot do so, because this author chose to write the book anonymously!  I want to express kudos to the author’s decision to remain unknown.  It’s a move that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.

The message of the book has been a tremendous benefit to me.  I think we all need regular reminders that we must live for the approval of God alone.  Speaking for myself, I’m aware that I may not attain fame, recognition, or accolades in life, but that’s okay.  I really just want to “embrace obscurity.”  I want to fade into the background and quietly do everything I do as unto the Lord.  It’s about His glory and fame, not my own.


“He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30)   

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