Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Happy Birthday, Bill!

I’ve spoken of Bill Oudemolen many times in this blog, but I don’t think I’ve ever extended a birthday wish to him here before.  Today is his birthday.   In honor of this special day, I composed a top ten list of reasons why I love and appreciate him (#1 being the most significant, but all are important).  There are certainly more things that could be listed, but I thought I’d limit it to ten.

#10: His witty sense of humor. 

#9: His generosity. 

#8: His servant’s heart.  

#7: His protection of the church congregation God has given him.   

I have to break in and comment on this one.  In a sermon, Bill once declared that his name, William, means “great protector.”  He certainly lives out the meaning of his name.  In an effort to protect, he lovingly warns his church congregation of spiritual threats, such as heretical doctrines being presented as truth but not found anywhere in the Word of God.

#6: His authenticity.

#5: His humility.

#4: His good example. 

#3: His faithfulness and devotion to his wife, Jan.

#2: His love for the truth of the Word of God. 

#1: His love for God. 

I’m blessed by God to have Bill as my pastor and my friend.


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