Sunday, January 20, 2013

Thank you, Broncos!

I know this particular blog installment is about a week late, but I thought I’d extend a word of congratulations to the Denver Broncos on an exciting year.  Yes, the season didn’t last as long as they would have liked.  We didn’t get the Peyton Manning/ Tom Brady showdown in the AFC championship as was expected.  But even so, it was fun to be a Broncos fan.  Let me hit some of the highlights:

In the offseason, Peyton Manning signed with Denver, but there was uncertainty.  Would Manning still be the same quarterback?  He showed that he still has it as he posted one of the greatest seasons of his career (I can say this with confidence because I’ve been a fan of Peyton for many years).  It was so fantastic to see Manning play at such a high level!

Another highlight for me was watching Denver storm back from a 24-0 deficit against San Diego back in October.  I’ve already blogged about that game, but that’s one of more impressive comebacks I’ve seen in a while.

A third highlight is, until that loss to Baltimore, Denver had won eleven games in a row, which is second most in franchise history (the longest is the last time the Broncos won the Super Bowl, that year they won thirteen games in a row).  You don’t win eleven games in a row by just showing up on game day.  It takes intense preparation, strong mental focus, and playing together as a team.

Congratulations to the Baltimore Ravens on a well played game.  They never quit fighting and they found a way to win and knock Denver out of the playoffs.  My apologies to any Patriots fan, but I am pulling for the Ravens to win the AFC championship game and advance to Super Bowl 47.


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