Monday, January 21, 2013

The book "The Soul of Spider-Man"

Recently, I came across an intriguing book entitled “The Soul of Spider-Man” by Jeff Dunn and Adam Palmer.  The subtitle is “Unexpected Spiritual Insights Found in the Legendary Super-hero Series.”  This is a book that talks about some of the Biblical truths presented in the Spider-Man trilogy starring Tobey Maguire.  Here’s part of the description from the back cover of the book:

“Inspired by three of the biggest box-office smashes of all time, The Soul of Spider-Man zooms in beyond the special effects and big stars to some surprising spiritual lessons you can learn from the Spider-Man films.  Each of the movies is a powerhouse of truth about life, love, good, evil, revenge, forgiveness and making the right choices.”

I am in agreement with the authors of this book: the Spider-Man trilogy presents the viewer with truths that we find in the Word of God.  For an example, in Spider-Man 3, Peter Parker (alias Spider-Man) says, “Whatever comes our way; whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice.  It’s the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what’s right.”  This statement impacted me so much that I have this quote framed and on a wall in my room.  In short, I highly recommend "The Soul of Spider-Man" to you.


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