Monday, March 4, 2013

Surprising words

The late Rick Ferguson once wrote a book entitled “The Servant Principle.”  It is a fabulous work.  Although it is out of print and difficult to find, I would still strongly encourage you to try to obtain a copy of it ( may have a few copies).

At one point in the book, Dr. Ferguson writes, “The Bible does not deny that sin is fun and pleasurable for a season.  However, the ultimate results of sin are deadly.  Sexual promiscuity, the party life, making money at all costs, sacrificing ethics and morals – in each case, the long-term consequences are deadly.  Whenever you choose sin, it is always a shortsighted decision.  Don’t sell out your long-term future for a short-term pleasure.  Take the long look” (page 126).

The passage Rick is referring to is in Hebrews 11, where we read, “By faith, Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt;; for he looked to the reward” (verses 24-26, NKJV, italics added for emphasis).  It is true that there is brief enjoyment when we sin, but the consequences afterwards are what linger.

Interestingly, a character named Penny, from the TV show “The Big Bang Theory” all but confirms this notion with her own mouth.  Penny, and her friends Bernadette and Amy are discussing what Penny should do since her ex-boyfriend, Leonard, has started a new romantic relationship with someone else. 

Eventually, in the course of the conversation, Penny says, “Let’s go through this one more time: just because Leonard has a new girlfriend does not mean that I should go out and hook up with some guy.”  “But you could if you wanted to, right?”  Bernadette asks her.  “Yeah, I guess.”  Penny answers.  “What’s that like?”  Amy inquires.  Penny’s response is the money quote: “It’s fun while you’re doing it, then it’s mostly embarrassment, self-loathing and regret.”  She’s on to something.  Sin is fun only for a fleeting moment, and then one has to deal with the enduring consequences.


“Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him” – Charles Stanley

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