Sunday, March 3, 2013

My allegory (part 4)

Today’s section of the allegory captures the fights that I have with the temptation to go the world’s way and pursue sexual gratification with anyone and everyone.  To the glory of God, I testify to you that I am a virgin and I will be staying that way until I get married.

“Years passed, the boy Believer was now a man.  His story wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the many battles he had with his nemesis, Temptation.  You see, Believer lived near the land of Sexual Gratification.  However, Believer’s father had once challenged him to choose a different way.  “Son,” he had said.  “Abstinence is your great ally.  Choose him always and he will never let you down.”  Here is one example of the many fights Believer had with Temptation.

“Well, if it isn’t my dear friend, Believer,” the conniving Temptation greeted.  “You are no friend of mine, Temptation.”  “Why would you say that?  I’m only asking you to do what you know you want to do: join the many others over on Sexual Gratification.  Has God really said that Abstinence is the only path for you?”  Temptation asked.  Whenever Temptation spoke a word, flaming arrows shot out of his mouth.  “Yes, God knows that Sexual Gratification isn’t meant to be inhabited by those who are unmarried as I am,” Believer replied, while simultaneously raising his shield to block and extinguish the flaming arrows.

“That is utter nonsense,” Temptation countered.  “Many unmarried people would claim that it is fun in Sexual Gratification.  Besides, how long have you been waiting for a spouse anyway?  What has it been, ten or fifteen years now?”  “The fun you speak of, Temptation,” Believer responded, “is brief and fleeting.  I have heard from others who have been there that after the temporary fun of Sexual Gratification, there is nothing but shame and regret.  Thus, they chose to leave and go to another land.  And yes, I have been waiting for a spouse for a long while,” Believer answered.  “But I don’t care how long I have to wait.  I’m going to choose the road prescribed to me by my King, Hero, and Lord,” Believer answered.

Temptation shook his head and retorted, “No one is ever going to marry you anyway.  Why not give it up and join us on Sexual Gratification?  After all, you only live once.  Surely you can see deep down that what I’m saying is the truth.”  “The Lord’s will is that I remain where I am,” Believer said.  “I will cling to my ally Abstinence.  If I am not called to be married, then to my Savior I cry out, “Not what I will, but what you will” (Mark 14:36).  Why don’t you just leave me alone, Temptation?  I’ve extinguished multiple amounts of your deadly arrows with the shield given to me by my Lord as a gift (Ephesians 6:16-17).”

Temptation began to walk away, but added, “Very well.  But, this isn’t over.”  Believer knew the drill by now.  He knew that Temptation would indeed be back again “at an opportune time” (Luke 4:13).


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