Sunday, May 18, 2014

A special day (part 1)

After a month away from blogging, I’m finally back. It feels good to contemplate sharing my thoughts with you again. In short, I have been busy. It’s particularly been a busy month of May so far.

One of the events that occurred is my CCU graduation! If you are a regular viewer of my blog, you know that I finished all my classes back in October, but the official graduation ceremony was this month. What a special day! It was fun to go and celebrate the closing of that season of my life.

The most memorable aspect of the event was probably when I walked across that stage. I must admit I was a little nervous. For one thing, I was concerned that they were going to butcher my last name. My last name is Bauer. Believe it or not, it has been mispronounced numerous times in my life (although the influence of the character Jack Bauer from 24 has helped in that regard. In fact, I’m often jokingly asked if I’m related to him). Thankfully, my name was pronounced correctly. And, I’m happy to report that the whole event went quite well.

Although if I’d had the presence of mind, I would have pointed up like Christian athletes do as I was walking across the stage. I say this because I attribute all the glory, honor, and praise for my educational achievement to God. In fact, on the back of the graduation announcements that I sent out, I cited a verse from Psalm 115. This verse is the heartbeat of my entire life. It reads, “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness” (Psalm 115:1).

Moreover, as I look back on the closing of this chapter of my life, I am grateful to God that He orchestrated it that I could go to a God-honoring college. It was such a blessing to go to a university that boldly taught from a Biblical worldview and unashamedly prayed in Jesus’ name. I’m proud to be a graduate from such a great school.


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