Thursday, May 22, 2014

A special day (part 2)

Last time, I mentioned how it has been a busy month of May for me so far. The first big event in May was my CCU graduation. Today I want to talk about the next big event (or special day as I’ve entitled it) that happened in May.

This past Saturday, the 17th, I had the tremendous privilege of attending a Christian writer’s conference. I wasn’t able to attend all the festivities of this writer’s conference, as it started on Wednesday the 14th, but being present for just Saturday was such an incredible gift.

Candidly, I’m having some trouble conveying just how incredible this writer’s conference was to me. How can I capture the magnitude of this event in a few short paragraphs? It seems almost impossible to do. But, in a nutshell, I felt fortified. I felt empowered, strengthened, and uplifted by God. It felt like a divine appointment as well as an energizing retreat.

The main message I received is a reminder that God has given me a gift for writing. I am to use that gift for Him. This is a challenge that I willingly committed to afresh. I want God to use me as a tool to show others how great and glorious He is.


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