Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Checking in with the Batman/Superman movie

I’ve previously blogged about the Batman/Superman movie that is supposed to be coming out in 2016. Apparently the official title is “Batman Vs. Superman: The Dawn of Justice.” This is a movie that is technically supposed to be a sequel to the movie “Man of Steel” which starred Henry Cavill as Superman. While Cavill is scheduled to return in this film, he will have to share the spotlight with many other new heroes.

You see, they decided to introduce Batman (who will be played by Ben Affleck) in this movie. Then they stated that Wonder Woman was going to be in the film. Of course, what they are trying to do is duplicate Marvel’s success of “The Avengers” and eventually have their own “Justice League” movie, where all of these heroes team up, like "The Avengers" did.

I really haven't been keeping up with the newest developments lately. But just recently they announced that Jason Momoa is going to be playing the role of Aquaman. This goes along with other additions that I hadn’t heard, such as, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor and Ray Fisher as Cyborg. Yes, that right, Cyborg. Because I’m a superhero fan, I know who the character of Cyborg is, but I don’t think the average moviegoer will have the faintest idea who he is.

I’ve mentioned this in this blog before, but I have to say again that I don’t like the direction this movie is taking. I thought from the very beginning that Superman should have his sequel, not have it hijacked by a new Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and of course, Cyborg.

This Batman/Superman movie is trying to introduce too many new characters all at once. There comes a point where a movie has too many characters. Spider-Man 3, for example, was criticized for this; while I’ve actually blogged about the good points of Spider-Man 3, I would have to agree that there were too many characters in that movie.

That’s what this Superman/Batman movie is planning on doing. While I try to be a positive, the glass is half-full kind of guy, I have to be realistic and declare that this Superman movie could easily lead to a box office flop. Don't get me wrong, I certainly hope it doesn’t. I wish this upcoming movie success, but it’s not looking good to me. What Marvel did with "The Avengers" was special, and I don't know if it can be duplicated.


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