Monday, August 11, 2014

A critically important reminder

I love this verse from Revelation 3; Jesus says, “These are the words of Him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open” (verse 7). What incredible encouragement to consider that God, in His sovereignty, closes doors that I can’t open, and He opens doors I can’t close! Let me cite a few examples.

In February of this year, God opened a door that no one could close regarding a new small group Bible study. It was a door of opportunity to attend a group that would discuss the sermon from the weekend services, and then hold each other up in prayer. I remember saying when this door first opened that God presented this opportunity to me on a silver platter. I have subsequently obtained such a blessing to be a part of this group.

For another example, back in June, I celebrated my ten year anniversary at the current Chick-fil-A store that I’ve been employed.  I’ll be candid with you: while I love Chick-fil-A, I have to admit that it hasn’t always been fun and games. There have been times, over these years, where I’ve wanted to move on to something else. But God, who closes doors that no one can open, hasn’t opened another door of opportunity in this regard. Therefore, I know I’m to remain where I am, and that I’m supposed to serve willingly and joyfully.

When I think of a closed door in my life, I think of how, at age 33, God has never opened the door of marriage to me. There were relationships with the opposite sex that I thought might lead to marriage, but they didn’t. Certainly this doesn’t mean that God will never open the door, but to this point, the door of marriage has remained closed.

There are more examples that I could give. I could mention the opportunity to obtain a college degree; or I could talk about the fact that God opened a door for this blog to exist in the first place, but you get the point. I’m simply stating that God is always working. He says, “What I open no one can shut, and what I shut no one can open.”


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