Friday, October 3, 2014

Trusting in God's sovereignty

The other day, I was watching a morning talk show.  They were interviewing a star of a new hit TV show.  This person was asked if the cast knew what was eventually going to happen to their characters for the season.  She answered that they don’t know what is going to happen, just like the viewers.  She added this was difficult for her because she is, by nature, a person who likes to be in control, but in this case, she can’t.  Then she stated that she has learned to "trust the writers," because they are good at their job.

That phrase that she used of trusting the writers has subsequently been stuck in my head ever since I heard it.  I've been applying it to my Christian life.  I've never actually read the book “When God Writes Your Life Story” by Eric and Leslie Ludy, but I love the picture that this title brings.  As a Christian man who has submitted his life to God, it is the Lord Himself who composes the chapters of my life story.  I desire for Him to write my life story the way He deems best.  

Believe me, this is easy to say, but harder to live out.  There have been times where I look at certain episodes in my life, and candidly, I question why God chose to compose that section of my life story in that particular way.  This is where trust comes in.  Even when life isn't easy, I have to decide afresh to put my trust in God, the writer of my life story.  He knows what is best.


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