Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What is my motivation?

I must confess that I enjoy a good murder mystery show.  The TV program “Monk” was the avenue that started me down this road.  Lately, I’ve been watching the old TV show “Matlock” starring Andy Griffith.  This is another entertaining program.  Typically on these types of shows, someone is murdered, and the lead character has to figure out who the guilty culprit is.  An important element in this genre is the issue of motive.  A person may be a suspect, but what could have led this individual to do this heinous act?  What was the motivation for doing so?

Motive is an important thing in everyday life as well.  I think about my own life.  I have opened up my heart and candidly shared my life with you since I began this blog back in 2011.  For instance, I’ve written about how I’m a man who will remain a virgin until marriage.  I’ve written about how forgiveness is powerful and liberating.  I’ve written about the joy that comes from serving others; on and on I could go.

Some of you may be wondering why I have made the choices that I have.  Why choose to remain a virgin until married life?  Why forgive others, when harboring a grudge seems so much easier?  Why do I write about such blog topics like the depravity of the film “Fifty Shades of Grey”?  Why swim against the stream of popular opinion?  It’s not a big mystery; I’m sure you already know my answer, but let me state it clearly: the reason for all of this is because I am a Christian.  The Bible says, “We make it our aim to please Him” (2 Corinthians 5:9).  Pleasing the Lord is my foundation, passion, and motive.  I am who I am because God ambushed me (even if it was a young age) and forever changed the direction of my life.  Without the amazing God of the Bible, my life would be devoid of meaning, hope, and joy.  I defer to God’s way because His way is infinitely better than my own.
Incidentally, in conclusion, let me also be honest with you by stating that I am far from perfect.  Don’t get the idea that I’m some kind of super saint who never makes any sinful mistake.  While I am striving, I continually fail.  I fall and trip into the mud and mire of sin.  God is so gracious, kind, and longsuffering with me.  He simply picks me up and cleans me up when I cry out for His forgiveness and cleansing.  But, having admitted this to you, it is still my desire – my motive – to live out all the days of my life to praise, magnify, honor, and glorify God. 


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