Saturday, March 21, 2015

The gift of sleep

I recently came across an interesting article from the website got  The title is fascinating: “Why is sleep/sleeping necessary?  Why did God create us with the need for sleep?”  Have you ever wondered about that?  Let me add another layer to this: why are we wired in such a way that we have to sleep every night?  We don’t hibernate for months on end like some animals.  We need sleep nightly; if we don’t get it, we suffer the consequences in a myriad of ways.

For instance, Bruce Wayne once told Terry McGinnis in the TV show “Batman Beyond” that sleep deprivation is a classic tactic for cults.  That makes sense.  After all, if you are deprived of sleep, you get to the point where you just can’t think straight anymore.  So it would be easy for the cultist’s propaganda to seep in and have a psychological effect.

I’m not going to quote the whole got questions article, but I do love this quote from it.  The author writes, “One possible explanation for our need for sleep is that sleep reminds us that we are creatures, not the Creator.  Our physical bodies must be constantly replenished with food, water, oxygen, and sleep in order to continue functioning.  Meeting these needs takes up much of our time and energy.  We need to be continually reminded of our limitations and that we are completely dependent upon God for our very existence.  Physical need is such a reminder.”

As I thought about this, I was reminded of a verse in Psalm 121.  It says that God “shall neither slumber nor sleep” (NKJV).  We are the created; we constantly need sleep.  God, on the other hand, is the Creator; He doesn’t need sleep.  This is a stark contrast.


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