Saturday, March 7, 2015

Yield to God's way

It is a sad fact that there are Christians that looked at the circumstances of their lives and concluded that they could do a better job of running their lives than God.  They don’t understand why God permitted what He did, or why He didn’t come through in the way they thought He would.  Thus they decided to take over the reins of their lives, because they thought they knew better.  So, through their actions, they sang the lyric of an old Frank Sinatra song: “I did it my way.”
I want to express an important truth to you right now.  And if it turned out that this was the last blog that I ever wrote before God deemed that it was time for me to be with Him in Heaven, I would be so delighted if this fact gripped and liberated you for the rest of your life.  It is simply this: God’s way is always the best way.  The late Rick Ferguson used to say that God could run his life a whole lot better than he ever could.  Further, he said that if it were left up to his own ingenuity, resources, and skill, his life would result in a complete train wreck.  I echo the same thought for myself.  If it weren't for God, my life would have turned out to be nothing more than a joke without a punch line.

Don’t get me wrong on this one: just because you make the decision to yield control of your life to God doesn’t mean that His plan for your life will make sense to you every step of the way.  In fact, there will be many situations in life where you will not understand His logic in the slightest.  As I stated earlier, the fact that God didn’t act in the way that they thought He would is perhaps why some Christians have thrown in the spiritual towel.  God seemed detached, aloof, and uncaring.  But the reality is, we only see a small section; God sees the whole.  Let me give an illustration for this.

Many years ago, I tried my hand at writing fiction.  I wrote several Batman stories.  Suppose that, in the midst of my stories, Batman and Robin were able to converse with each other.  Good versus evil stories need to have struggle.  That's a simple fact.  Pretend that there have been a string of disappointments and setbacks for the Dynamic Duo.  After a particularly bleak chapter, Batman and Robin are frustrated.  With that in mind, let’s eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Can you believe this writer?"  Robin asks.  "Can you believe what he has been doing to us?  The direction this guy is taking us in is pathetic.”  “Yes,” Batman replies.  “It’s quite clear that he has no idea what he is doing; he doesn’t know what is best for us, or for Gotham City.”  “I almost feel like I should write this story myself,” Robin counters.  “I would do a much better job than he ever will."  At this point, Alfred speaks up.  He says, “Sirs, please.  You must not speak this way.  The writer cares for you both a great deal.  Trust him.  He knows what he is doing.  In the end, I have little doubt that he will make all things right.”  And, indeed, in every Batman story I wrote, justice, righteousness, and good prevailed.

This isn’t the perfect illustration by any means, but I hope you find it beneficial.  You see, contrary to popular opinion, God is in absolute control.  The Bible says, “His dominion is an eternal dominion; His kingdom endures from generation to generation" (Daniel 4:34).  No, we won’t always understand why He allows this or that, but to quote from Daniel again, “Everything He does is right and all His ways are just” (Daniel 4:37).  God knows what He is doing.  Further, if you’ve attempted to wrestle control of your life away from God, stop fighting; surrender afresh to God. 


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