Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving thoughts

In 2013, I wrote a Thanksgiving blog that I titled “Thanking God even when life hurts”.  It was appropriate for me to write such a blog back then, and it is certainly appropriate for me to revisit that theme again this year.  Life does hurt.  Quite frankly, I have not been looking forward to the holidays.  To face these beloved holidays without my dad for the first time in my life is a very daunting task.

But as I think about it, even in the midst of a painful 2015, I can still see numerous abundant blessings that God has showered upon me.  For example, there’s an interesting verse tucked away in the book of Daniel.  Daniel 5:23 says that God holds our breath in His hands.  Has 2015 been a difficult year for you?  Are you having trouble compiling a list of things to be thankful for?  How about starting by thanking God that He graciously gives you breath every day?  The Bible declares that it is God Himself who provides breath to humanity.  Incidentally, this is true both for the believer and for the non-believer.

At one point in that 2013 blog, I wrote these words: “But, even in the midst of the turmoil, my faith and trust in God is the thing that sustains me and keeps me going.  Even in the midst of the chaos, I have hope.  I have gratitude in my heart to God.  Why?  Because He alone is in full control, no matter what.  Ephesians 1:11 tells us that God “works out everything in conformity to the purpose of his will.”  Certainly that doesn’t mean that we will always understand why God allows specific things to happen…but, despite this, God’s will, plan, and purpose is superior, and it will ultimately prevail.”


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