Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015: The year I will never forget

On July 4th, 2015 my boss had a team meeting scheduled.  In that meeting, he gave the surprising announcement that he was going to be leaving to pursue another opportunity that had been presented to him.  In the course of the comments he made that day he made a shrewd statement that I want to share with you today.  He said, “Life is chapters.”  When I look back, I can see how my life really does seem to be divided into various chapters.
What my boss didn’t know – and what no one could possibly know – was that later on that very month my dad went home to be with Jesus in Heaven.  It was an occurrence that I certainly didn’t see coming.  When I woke up that morning, I never would have envisioned that it was going to be his last day on Earth.  Dad was a model of health.  But it didn't matter.  It’s a stark reminder that when God says it’s your time, then that’s settles it.  “Life is chapters,” said my former boss.  My dad’s unexpected entrance into glory plunged the Bauer family into a chapter of grief, pain, and loss.

The magnitude of such a loss changes you forever.  C.S. Lewis, in his book “A Grief Observed” (a book where Lewis is processing the pain of his wife’s death) likened losing a loved one to having an arm amputated.  If you were to go through such an ordeal, it wouldn’t kill you, you would survive, but you’d never be the same again.  That’s a perfect illustration of how I feel.  Life will go on.  But I’m never going to be the same.

Taking photographs was one of my father's hobbies.  So, to conclude the blog for today (and the 2015 content) in honor of Dad, I thought I’d share a few of my favorite pictures with you.  Of course, there are so many more I could share.  But this is a good sampling plate.

Dad showed us all what it means for a husband to love his wife as Christ loves the church

Dad with his two boys

I love this picture so much!

Dad loved being a Grandpa.  Here he is with Anna, my niece

Dad was also a really good pianist

Attending a Colorado Rockies game.  Cherished memories!

I'll see you again one day, Dad!

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