Monday, January 11, 2016

A fitting resolution

Back in October, the season premiere of “The Flash” aired.  It was entitled “The Man Who Saved Central City.”  There’s an interesting scene in that episode that I want to describe today.  Barry Allen (A.K.A. The Flash) and a group of his allies were celebrating a recent victory, so they popped open some champagne.  A member from the group begins to speak, he says these words:

“Gather around everyone please.  Looking at all of you, thinking how far we’ve come, and remembering those no longer with us, I’m reminded of a Hebrew word used during times of graduation “Kadima” it means forward.”  He raises his glass to make a toast, “Forward.”  The rest of the group, one by one echo that word, pledging that they were going to move forward.  I echo the same resolution for myself.

Let me make an important disclaimer: when I speak of moving forward, I’m not implying that I’m going to become sort of an amnesiac who forgets everything that has happened in the past.  If you’ve spent any time reading my words, you know the monumental events that happened to me in 2015.  I’m not ever going to forget.  I’m not going to push it under the rug, and pretend like it didn’t happen.

I came across an Internet article from  Someone had posed this question for others to answer: “Does “moving forward” mean completely turning ones back from the past?”  Everyone who responded answered that moving forward doesn’t necessarily mean acting like the past never happened.  A respondent under the username La Dolce Vita answered, “No.  Our past made us who we are today as a whole person.  We can’t lose our past.  We can move forward using our strengths and weaknesses from our past and make a better future with our knowledge and experiences.”  Well said.  Incidentally, click on the link below to see Internet page I’m quoting from.

What do I mean, then, when I speak of moving forward?  I simply mean, as my former boss put it, life is chapters.  I’m in a new chapter now.  So while I will certainly look back and remember the memory of my wonderful father, I’m not going to try to act like I’m still in that chapter of my life.  I’m not anymore.  I have to move forward to everything that God has for me in this chapter.


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