Sunday, June 19, 2016

Jerry Bauer, my dad, the superhero

I have repeatedly called my dad a “superhero” in my writings.  And I think some of you have wondered if I felt this way before Dad passed away, or if this title is a result of a newfound appreciation that I didn’t have before.  Today I wanted to assure you that I felt this way before Dad passed away, and I had the glorious opportunity to tell him this several times.

There are several examples I could give to you, but I came across a Father’s Day card that I gave Dad back in 2012.  I wrote these words to him: “Dad, here are three ways you are a good example.  1) You model genuine humility.  2) You provide, protect, and selflessly serve your family.  3) You are honest and ethical.  Not all heroes wear capes!”

One of the things that I miss is my dad’s humor.  Dad liked to be silly whenever possible (which is quite a contrast with me: I’m as serious as a heart attack).  I bring this up because, in a silly moment, Dad was pretending to be flying through the air, like a superhero.  I want to share this picture with you because it captures my dad, Jerry Bauer, the superhero.

In conclusion, my dad would not like this attention.  He never paraded himself as some superstar, deserving of accolades; he avoided the limelight.  He would always divert the glory and praise to God.  At Rick Ferguson's Memorial service, Rick's son, Brett, said what made his dad so great was that he knew that he wasn't great; he knew how great his Heavenly Father is.  That's true of Rick, and I say the same thing regarding my dad.  Dad was a great man, but he never bragged on himself.  He carried himself with genuine humility.  He lived out Proverbs 27:2: "Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips."  I'll never stop boasting about my dad as long as I live.  


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