Sunday, July 17, 2016

The blissful existence of Heaven

In honor of my dad’s organizational skills, today I’d like to alphabetically elaborate on a few points on Dad’s bliss in Heaven that he has enjoyed for a year now.  That doesn’t mean I’m going to have 26 paragraphs today.  Let me just dive in and you’ll see what I mean.

First of all, my dad is accepted.  Rebecca St. James once said, “For me, when I come home to Australia, there’s such a feeling of joy and peace and excitement; because you just breathe a sigh of relief: “I’m home.”... I imagine Heaven being the same way…that joy and the absolute freedom of knowing I belong."  I know what she is talking about.  I’ve been in situations where I am welcomed, embraced, loved, and accepted by a group.  That’s a picture of the acceptance that my dad has been experiencing in Heaven.

Secondly, my dad is having a ball.  I’ve said it before, but many have the misconception that Heaven is going to be a dull existence.  It’s not.  “How do you know?” you ask.  Because Jesus, who knows Heaven experientially, called it “paradise” (see Luke 23:43).  In a helpful got article the author states, “In Luke 23:43, Jesus declared, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”  The word Jesus used for “paradise” is paradeisos which means “a park, that is (specifically) an Eden (place of future happiness, paradise)”… when you think of a park, do you think of boredom?”

In the days, weeks, and months after Dad passed away, we received so many gracious notes and cards from the myriad of people who knew and loved my dad.  I’m so grateful for each and every one of them.  One person wrote these apropos words: “Jerry is in Heaven having a party that we haven’t been invited to yet.”  I agree.  Psalm 16:11 is a beautiful sentiment; it reads, “In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (NKJV).  My dad is having a ball.  With no hurries, worries, stresses, headaches, or deadlines!
Third, Dad was commended.  When you read Revelation chapters 2 and 3, where Jesus is speaking to those seven churches, it’s interesting how often you see the phrase “I know your deeds” (see Revelation 2:2; 2:19; and 3:8 for just a few instances of this).  God knows the kind of life my dad led.  He knows of Dad’s selflessness, integrity, and valor.  He knows that Dad repeatedly put the needs of others ahead of himself.  He knows that Dad gladly served his friends, coworkers, and family while diverting any fanfare, recognition, or glory to God.  Therefore, I’m convinced that my dad heard these powerful words of commendation or praise: “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21 and 23).

I would like to keep going, and maybe I will in subsequent blogs this month.  But you get the point.  You see a small snapshot picture of the delights that my dad has been enjoying for a year.  Praise God for Heaven!


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