Sunday, August 28, 2016

The great power of forgiveness

There is a film that is currently playing in theatres that I wanted bring up today.  It’s called “Ben-Hur”.  I was able to see it recently, and I figured I would briefly give my thoughts on this film.  First of all, it has a marvelous message.  The message is that there is a very high cost for harboring bitterness, and conversely, there is great power in forgiveness.  It reminded me of Spider-Man 3 a film that has a very similar message.  Unlike that film, “Ben-Hur” actually has Jesus Christ in it; fascinatingly, when Judah Ben-Hur, the main character, sees Christ being crucified it completely transforms him from a man who seeks revenge to a man who chooses to let it all go and forgive.

However, be aware that this film is violent.  It could have been given an “R” rating.  There is bloodshed, people are whipped, ran over by chariots, and we see even see characters without limbs, and disfigured, as a result of the violence.  In short, it might be difficult for some to wade through all the violence, blood, and the overall intense mood of the film that rests on the viewer like a blanket, to get to the wonderful ending.

I have been thinking about forgiveness for several reasons lately.  One reason is because I saw “Ben-Hur”, but also because I have experienced the power of forgiveness in my life.  When I state this, I mean that this has occurred recently.  I have had the opportunity to extend forgiveness in several episodes in my life, but the Lord seems to always give me the opportunity to practice forgiveness again before I speak about it in this blog!  Rest assured, I have learned afresh about the power of forgiveness.

Did you know that the Bible, in the book of Hebrews, speaks of avoiding a “root of bitterness” (NKJV)?  I’ve learned a lot about roots since I have had to take on the responsibility of caring for the lawn that my dad took care of so faithfully.  I know firsthand how weeds can pop up and if you don’t uproot them, they get bigger, and they eventually take over your entire lawn.  That’s a great picture of what bitterness and unforgiveness can do in a life.  It will get bigger and take over every facet of life.  In fact, that text in Hebrews goes on to say that the bitter root “grows up to cause trouble and defile many” (Hebrews 12:15).
In a chapter of their book “The Soul of Spider-Man” Jeff Dunn and Adam Palmer are talking about Peter Parker’s decision to harbor unforgiveness and bitterness in the film Spider-Man 3.  They are apt when they write, “If bitterness is the root, what will fruit of the tree be like?  An apple tree has apple tree roots.  It produces juicy apples, good to eat.  But if the roots are bitter, the fruit of that tree will be bitter.  In other words, if you allow anger to take root, all areas of your life will eventually taste bitter.”  So what, then, is the antidote?  The only way that you will ever truly be set free is to extend forgiveness.  As I said earlier, this isn’t just something that I’m saying because it looks good in a blog; I’m saying it because it’s something I have experienced on numerous occasions in my life. Forgiveness is the only way to experience liberation.


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