Monday, August 8, 2016

Final thoughts on the one-year anniversary

I made the joke at the beginning of July that I wanted to title every blog for that month “Is it August yet?”  Well, now that July is in the rearview mirror.  I thought you all might be interested to know how it was for me to live through the one-year anniversary of my dad’s passing.  I bring this up because I hope it will benefit those of you are walking through your own valley of the shadow of death.
Frankly, I’m glad that it is now August because the whole month of July of 2016 was difficult.  It was much more difficult than I expected it to be.  The closer it got to the anniversary day of his passing away, the more difficult it became.  I realized that you have to be ready for memories to bubble up to the surface and tightly grip your emotions.  Perhaps your journey has included recent loss and grief like mine.  Let me tell you something for your information: the year mark is a danger zone.  Be vigilant.  Be on your guard.  It won’t be easy.

I decided to look back at all of the blogs I wrote since last July.  At one point, I made the comment that losing a parent is a defining moment.  Indeed it is.  I’ve had other defining moments in my life, and they were all important events as well.  But this one is, without a doubt, the most difficult to swallow.  Never have these words been so apropos than this fatherless chapter of my life: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).  Let me declare, to the glory of God alone, that if I didn’t have my hope, faith, and trust in God, I’m not sure how I would have gotten through these hard days.


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