Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving aftermath blog

I had a very good Thanksgiving celebration yesterday.  My mom and I spent a large portion of the day with my sister-in-law’s family.  The highlight of the day for me was when, before ate our food (which was a huge feast, by the way) we went around the table and expressed what we were thankful for.

To set the stage, let me remind you that, in September, I had previously mentioned in this blog how that family was sent into grief from their Grandma passing away.  They continue to cope with her loss to this day.  The tears still flow freely and easily in that house.  This is something that I can obviously relate to.  In fact, their loss has tied the hearts of the two families together in a way that it wasn’t when my dad was still with us.

For several reasons, I had made the decision that I was going to talk about God in some way.  I was going to be bold about my faith.  So when it came to me (I was the third one to speak in this gratitude exercise), I acknowledged to everyone the loss, pain, and grief that was in our midst, but added that even in the midst of this difficult reality, God has still given us so many blessings that we couldn’t count them all if we tried.  To present just one, I mentioned the gift of family and friends.

Mom said that she was thankful that, even though we miss Jerry, we know that he is in Heaven today.  She also stated how she was thankful for the “surrogate family” that had invited us to the Thanksgiving celebration.  Another at the table mentioned how she was thankful for the Lord’s presence, how His presence affects every relationship in her life; and how no matter what happens in life, He is there.  Someone else eloquently stated how wonderful it is to be standing on, as he put, “the solid rock of Jesus Christ” even in the middle of the intense storms of life.  Amen and amen!

As we were eating, I was reminded of a line of that prayer from my dad that I shared yesterday.  Do you remember it?  Dad had prayed, “As families and friends gather, we pray that they will indeed praise You, from whom all blessings flow.”  I had to briefly stop eating because a wave of emotion hit me when I realized something: God had answered my dad’s prayer.  

For that situation, setting, and get together, a prayer that Dad had prayed years before had come to fruition in that room.  I know how easy it would have been for me to just mention what I’m grateful for, but not include in my comments the One that provided those gifts in the first place.  Others also chose to speak boldly for the Lord.  I’m so happy to have been a part of that holy moment.  I’m grateful that God’s name was lifted high in praise and honor!


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